All the Small Things ...

Some of us work for companies that have been in business for a long time. We compete at a level that not every gets to and be have a long track record and pedigree. So, why aren’t we winning every job? If all of the big bullet points are met, why do we lose jobs? It is about the big things, isn’t it?

The 10th Vote ...

Your team has already come to a decision. It was fast. It was unanimous. And it was great. Or, was it? Did you examine every possible angle? Did you dispel every possible weak point? If not, then your team probably didn’t have a 10th vote. And if you that is the case, then how can you be sure you made the best possible choice?

Meetings, Revisited ...

Meetings. I don’t think that I know anyone who enjoys meetings. Well that isn’t true. I enjoy meetings because I find that nearly all of my meetings are productive and engaging. Want to know my secrets?

The Career Collateral Concept ...

You probably realize the importance of building a good history and saving for the future. But are you making sure to do these same things for your career? What am I talking about? Career collateral, that’s what.

Procrastination Cunctation ...

I want to take a moment to lay bare one of my personal issues: procrastination. I think that this is something that most of us realize is part of our lives, but never give much thought to. Well, I have.